For several months our parking lot has been packed to capacity at the 11am Mass. The time has come to start a second Sunday Mass.
Starting next Sunday, March 9,
we will add an 8:30 am Mass time.
This will be a Said / "Low" Mass with no incense, music and typically will finish in an hour or less. Please help spread the word!
This is also the day that clocks will move forward one hour...
Toda is the last of the Gesima Sundays, Septuagesima Sunday, literally meaning 70 Days before Easter, Sexagesima, "60" and today, Quinquagesima, 50 days before Easter, all these Sundays are a part of ancient Pre-Lenten season. This penitential “mini season” is a warm-up for Lent, and thus the vestments and altar are donned in violet, and the Gloria and alleluia are omitted. Back on Septuagesima Sunday our children put beautifully colored “alleluia” pictures in a coffin, where they will remain “in the grave” until the Easter Vigil. This season was observed universally by Catholics before 1970, and is still observed in all the Eastern Churches, the Ordinariate and those Catholics who follow the calendar of the Traditional Latin Mass.
Here is a roundup of homily's from today and the last few Sundays:
This Week at St. Edmund's
Strove Tuesday Pancake Dinners
March 4
NC: 5:30 pm at the Madere's
2701 Little River Road Hendersonville, NC 28739
SC: 5:30 pm at the Lovin's
March 5: Ash Wednesday:
Beginning of Lent
SC House Mass w/ Imposition of Ashes
At the Parish:
Mass w/ Imposition of Ashes: 12:10pm
Imposition of Ashes Service: 6:00 pm
Followed by OCIA Class:
Explanation of the Introductory Rites & Liturgy of the Word
of the Mass by Fr. Johnson
Fasting & Abstinance Requirements for Catholics on Ash Wed:
"Abstain" means no meat (age 14+)
"Fasting" means one meal a day, and if needed, up to two collations (snacks), not equaling the size of the one meal (ages 18-59).
Stations of the Cross &
Soup / Bread Supper
Fridays at 5:30 pm at Church.
Also: Outdoor Stations held at rotating homes in SC.
Click below to see pictures from burying of the Alleluia's.
Lent begins this Wednesday with Ash Wednesday!
Now is a Great Time to Begin Exodus or Fiat!
This is an invitation for all to find freedom through Prayer and Sacrifice. For Exodus,
click on the logo above to learn more and download the app and see meeting time below. If you need financial assistance please reach out to Father. We will have three Fraternities (groups of men): Meeting Times / Places:
- Asheville - Tuesdays, 6:30 am, Dripilator, 909 Smokey Park Hwy #8950, Candler, NC 28715.
- Flat Rock - Saturdays, 6:30 am at the Church, 1222 W Blue Ridge Rd, Flat Rock, NC 28731
- Greenville - Fridays, 6:30 am, Christ on Main, 14 S Main St, Greenville, SC 29601
Ladies, click on Fiat90 image above for a link for the free resource above. If you are interested in finding an "anchor" or receiving the audio readings, please contact Amy Schiera at
Mass Intentions for this Week
Congratulations Travis & Emily
on Your Betrothal
Last Sunday Travis and Emily received the Betrothal Blessing. Please pray for them as they prepare for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Pray for Those Engaged to be Married
O Eternal God, we humbly beseech thee favourably to behold thy servants soon to be joined in wedlock according to thy holy ordinance; and grant that they, seeking first thy kingdom and thy righteousness, may obtain the manfold blessing of thy grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Annual Bishop's Appeal
Please pray for God to continue to guide and grow our parish community.The 2025 Bishop’s Appeal commitment weekend will be held next weekend. This is our opportunity to unite with our Ordinariate family to support our shared mission of evangelization. Our Parish goal is $1,500. In the coming week, please take the time to prayerfully reflect on the gifts that you have been given by God and respond to Bishop Lopes’ appeal as generously as possible. Please join other Catholics from throughout the Ordinariate in supporting this very important appeal. You can give online here, or mail the card / envelope given at Mass. Thank you!
Canongate Catholic High School
Attention homeschool parents:
Please take this survey on possible offerings for homeschool students:
Save the Date & Purchase Tickets for the Annual Canongate Play!
Click on pic for link more info and to purchase tickets
Meet our Staff & Volunteer Leaders
Mass & Confessions Schedule
Sunday: 11am (Confessions 10:15am)
Wednesday: 12:10 pm (Confessions 11:30am)
For pastoral needs please contact Fr. Joshua D. Johnson:
Call or Text: 828-393-5775 +